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There’s nothing quite like . But wouldn’t it be nice if you could get that live TV stream on your computer, or tablet, or Xbox? With a simple piece of hardware, you can.

没有什么 。 但是,如果您可以在计算机,平板电脑或Xbox上获得直播电视流,那不是很好吗? 只需简单的硬件即可。

Tuner cards and external boxes aren’t exactly a new technology, but the technology and the ease of use has advanced light years. What used to be an enormous hassle is now a plug and play affair you can set up and enjoy in a matter of minutes.

调谐器卡和外接盒并非完全是一项新技术,但该技术和易用性已大大提高了使用寿命。 过去曾经是一个巨大的麻烦,现在您可以在几分钟之内建立并享受即插即用的事务。

So, armed with your antenna (or a cable subscription) and the , you can stream live local TV broadcasts on every device in your home. The beauty of the HomeRun system, as opposed to purchasing a tuner card for your PC, is that it is a totally standalone unit that runs 24/7 with no need to boot up your PC in order for other devices on the network to access the TV stream.

因此,有了天线(或电缆订购)和的 ,您就可以在家里的每台设备传输本地电视直播。 与为您的PC购买调谐卡相反,HomeRun系统的优点在于它是一个完全独立的单元,可以24/7运行,而无需启动PC即可使网络上的其他设备访问PC。电视流。

The HomeRun comes in three flavors: the (~$80), the  (~$150), and the (~$130). The first two, the Connect and the Extend, are virtually identical over-the-air tuners, except the Extend offers better Wi-Fi technology (AC over just N for faster connectivity) and, more critically, advanced h.264 video compression (instead of just raw mpeg2 streaming). The Prime is a tuner designed for compatible digital cable services (so it offers the same whole-house streaming to any device, but with your cable provider as the source instead of local broadcast TV stations). For the purposes of this tutorial, we’ll be setting up the HDHomeRun Extend. If you want to compare features in more depth, check out .

HomeRun有三种风格: ( 美元), ( 美元)和 ( 美元)。 前两个是Connect和Extend,实际上是相同的无线调谐器,但Extend提供了更好的Wi-Fi技术(AC仅在N上提供AC,以实现更快的连接性),更关键的是,先进的h.264视频压缩(而不是原始的mpeg2流)。 Prime是为兼容的数字有线电视服务而设计的调谐器(因此,它可以向任何设备提供相同的全屋流媒体传输,但使用有线电视提供商作为源而不是本地广播电视台)。 就本教程而言,我们将设置HDHomeRun Extend。 如果您想更深入地比较功能,请查看 。

查找和更新HDHomeRun (Locating and Updating Your HDHomeRun)

The setup process for the HomeRun is so easy, you’ll spend more time simply unpacking and placing the device in your home than you will configuring it. Don’t gloss over this step as where your device is located has a significant impact on the quality of your experience with it.

HomeRun的设置过程是如此简单,与配置设备相比,您花费更多的时间来简单地将设备拆箱并将其放置在家里。 不要掩饰此步骤,因为您设备的位置会严重影响您的使用体验。

Let’s take a peek at the back of the HomeRun to familiarize ourselves with the very simple layout. On the rear of the device, you’ll find one coax jack (where you attach the coax cable coming from the antenna), one Ethernet jack (where you connect the device to your home network) with a network indicator light, and power jack for the power adapter, all seen below from left to right.

让我们看一下HomeRun的背面,以熟悉非常简单的布局。 在设备的背面,您会发现一个同轴电缆插Kong(用于连接来自天线的同轴电缆),一个以太网插Kong(用于将设备连接到家庭网络的位置)和网络指示灯,以及电源插Kong。对于电源适配器,下面从左到右都可以看到。

First and foremost, your device needs access to an antenna. If you have and old an unused aerial antenna attached your chimney or the like, now is the time to blow the proverbial dust of of it. Unbeknownst to most people, those big old antennas sittings on their roofs are fantastic for pulling down digital signals—the tuner hardware changed with the digital TV rollover but the basic antenna design didn’t. Because the HomeRun streams the TV signal over your home network, it isn’t important that your HomeRun be located where you’re watching the stream, but where it can get the best signal from the antenna.

首先,您的设备需要使用天线。 如果您的烟囱或类似物品已安装了未使用的天线,那么现在是时候吹掉它上面的灰尘。 大多数人都不知道,那些坐在屋顶上的老式旧天线非常适合拉下数字信号-调谐器硬件随数字电视翻转而改变,但基本的天线设计却没有。 由于HomeRun通过家庭网络传输电视信号,因此,将HomeRun放置在您正在观看流的位置并不重要,但是可以从天线获得最佳信号的位置。

If that means placing it in an upstairs home office so it has a higher elevation and a clearer signal, so be it. If that means plugging it in down in the basement so you can jack your old antenna coax right into the box, that’s ideal too. Again, for emphasis, you don’t need to locate it below your TV set like a traditional home media center accessory unless, of course, that location happens to be idea because you’ve got coax and network access right at your finger tips

如果那意味着将其放置在楼上的家庭办公室中,则它具有更高的海拔和更清晰的信号,那就这样吧。 如果那意味着将其插入地下室,以便您可以将旧的天线同轴电缆直接插入盒子中,那也是理想的选择。 再次强调一下,您无需像传统的家庭媒体中心配件一样将其放在电视机下方,除非该位置碰巧是个好主意,因为您可以轻松使用同轴电缆和网络

Once you’ve located an ideal spot for the HomeRun box, plug in the coax, the Ethernet cable, and the power. Before you start playing around with the tuner, though, update the firmware so you can enjoy the smoothest experience. To do so, navigate to  from a web browser on a computer connected to your local network. You’ll see a message like the one below:

找到HomeRun盒的理想位置后,插入同轴电缆,以太网电缆和电源。 但是,在开始使用调谐器之前,请先更新固件,以便您享受最流畅的体验。 为此,请从连接到本地网络的计算机上的Web浏览器导航到 。 您会看到类似以下的消息:

The white box on the left indicates the hardware version of your HomeRun, the current firmware version number, and the number of channels it is picking up through the antenna source. To upgrade the firmware, for your operating system. Run the installer. When the installer finishes, the HomeRun installation wizard will start automatically, immediately scanning your network for the HomeRun device and initiating the firmware update. (If for some reason the device isn’t immediately found, you can always click the “Rescan” button to start the process again.)

左侧的白框指示HomeRun的硬件版本,当前固件版本号以及它通过天线源获取的通道数。 要升级固件, 于您的操作系统的 。 运行安装程序。 安装程序完成后,HomeRun安装向导将自动启动,立即在网络中扫描HomeRun设备并启动固件更新。 (如果由于某种原因未立即找到该设备,则可以始终单击“重新扫描”按钮以再次开始该过程。)

Once the firmware update is complete, the device will reboot and you’ll see a listing for it in the control panel. You can click “Next” in the lower corner to continue or simply select the next tab in the navigation bar at the top (the wizard simply guides you through the tabs to ensure you’ve completed the setup in each).

固件更新完成后,设备将重新启动,并且您会在控制面板中看到该设备的列表。 您可以单击左下角的“下一步”继续操作,也可以在顶部导航栏中选择下一个选项卡(向导仅指导您完成这些选项卡,以确保完成每个选项卡的设置)。

In the “Digital Antenna” tab, click “Scan” to start the scanning process.


When complete, you’ll see a list of available channels in your location. As a fun aside, if you have an application already installed on your computer, such as the popular video player VLC, that can handle UDP video streams, if you click on the blue hyperlinked channel name for any given channel then that channel stream will load in your video player.

完成后,您会在自己的位置看到可用频道的列表。 有趣的是,如果您的计算机上已经安装了可以处理UDP视频流的应用程序,例如流行的视频播放器VLC,如果您单击任何给定通道的蓝色超链接通道名称,则将加载该通道流在您的视频播放器中。

When you click “Next” again, you’ll be prompted to configure the advanced DVR settings for the device. The DVR functionality, if you’re using their software, has . If recording broadcast TV is of interest to you, you can pay the subscription cost or you can use a third-party tool like , a tool we use in . For our purposes, simply created a network of live streaming television all over your home, we can skip the recording functionality for now and simply click “Finish”.

再次单击“下一步”时,系统将提示您配置设备的高级DVR设置。 DVR功能(如果您使用的是他们的软件)则 。 如果您对录制广播电视感兴趣,则可以支付订阅费用,也可以使用这样的第三方工具, 是我们在使用的工具。 出于我们的目的,只需在您的整个家庭中创建一个实时流电视网络,我们就可以跳过录制功能,只需单击“完成”即可。

After you click “Finish” the wizard will save your configuration settings and close.


访问您的HomeRun (Accessing Your HomeRun)

Once the configuration process is complete and your HomeRun is locked on to your local channels, the hard part is over, and now it’s dead simple to tap into the live stream from practically any device in your home. Because we just finished the configuration process (and doing so installed the HomeRun desktop application at the same time) let’s take a peek at that first. Launch the new HDHomeRun program on your PC.

一旦配置过程完成并且HomeRun已锁定到本地频道,最困难的部分就结束了,现在几乎可以从家里的几乎任何设备上接入实时流了。 因为我们刚刚完成了配置过程(并同时安装了HomeRun桌面应用程序),所以让我们先来看看。 在您的PC上启动新的HDHomeRun程序。

If everything has gone according to plan, the HDHomeRun application will immediately tap into the local channels, displaying the first channel in full screen, and, in the process, probably make you question why you wanted to watch live TV in the first place. Did you know Maury was still on TV? Neither did we.

如果一切都按计划进行,HDHomeRun应用程序将立即进入本地频道,以全屏显示第一个频道,并且在此过程中,可能使您质疑为什么要首先观看直播电视。 你知道莫里还在电视吗? 我们也没有。

Well did she? The suspense is killing us.
好吗 悬念正在杀死我们。

In addition to watching the live stream on your computer, you can also use one of the many applications available for various platforms to watch live TV on your other devices. There’s a HomeRun app available for , ,  for the Amazon Fire tablets and Fire TV, and an . Additionally, you can access your HomeRun-supplied TV channels from any device that supports DLNA streaming (such as the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, or any smart TV with DLNA support). The HomeRun will appear under the list of available DLNA servers as “HDHomeRun DMS”.

除了在计算机上观看直播之外,您还可以使用可用于各种平台的众多应用程序之一在其他设备上观看直播电视。 提供了适用于 , ,适用于Amazon Fire平板电脑和Fire TV的的HomeRun应用程序,以及的 。 此外,您可以从任何支持DLNA流传输的设备(例如PlayStation 3,PlayStation 4或任何支持DLNA的智能电视)访问HomeRun提供的电视频道。 HomeRun将在可用DLNA服务器列表下方显示为“ HDHomeRun DMS”。

Here’s what playback looks like via the iOS application running on an iPhone:


Watching TV like it’s 1966. Thanks, GetTV!

We’ll be the first to admit that our showcase of the system during prime cruddy-day-time-TV scheduling hours doesn’t do it justice—but if you’re looking for a simple no-fuss way to get your favorite show or sporting event on all your devices so you can watch hockey or your favorite cop show anywhere, no wires needed, the HDHomeRun really shines.




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